Thursday, February 24, 2011


Woah, it has been 2 months since I've updated and I apologize!

We have been up to so much since we came back from Christmas.
We had our blizzard day which was a BLAST, especially since we had a real blizzard to go along with it!  We have traveled to different countries with our Traveling Penguin.  Our Fiesta was fabulous and YUMMY!

This week we have been studying the Presidents and our country. 

Thank the good Lord for this beautiful weather. What a blessing!  The kids (and teachers) have thoroughly enjoyed it.  Phil the groundhog did not lie to us.  Now, if it could only be this way for the REST of the school year. 

We have had so much fun with this group.  They are hard workers, entertainers, and sweet kids!  We will miss them dearly when they go to 1st grade but we are not ready to give them up just yet.  We have so many fun memories to make before then.

We would like to encourage you parents to keep working at home with your kids on their academics.  It's important that they stay on top of their school work because 1st grade will be quite the change and we want them to be ready and confident.

Thank you for bringing your children to Mars Hill Bible School! :)

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